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Wordpress security

"Out of the box" Parcom provides a solid up to date auto installed version of WordPress.    It is still your responsibility to make sure you keep your WordPress installation safe and secure.   And that includes your widgets and any other add-ons you place on top of WordPress.   As of anything, your installation is as safe as your weakest link!   We have found that many "free" add-ons may not be the best thing to add.  Make sure the developer keeps tabs on security threats, and has regular updates!   Don't place anything that has very poor ratings and rarely gets updated naturally.

We have found the most solid Wordpress installations have mostly commercial or widgets that you pay for.   And many times the most highly exploited or attacked widgets have to do with e-mail or web forms.   So, buyer beware - you get what you pay for, and so if you really want a solid site, do yourself a favor and make sure the widget you seek has a solid reputation for security updates!

NOTE: This information is provided as a free tip to Parcom clients who are WordPress fans.   As of any application/solution added to your hosting plan, Parcom provides no support or warranties of any kind for your third party add-ons.   The more you keep on top of your widgets and WordPress updates, the better.    Remember, Parcom provides the solid systems for you to enjoy!  Try to make the best of it by being responsible for keeping things up to date.

Note: Please contact us if you wish to add information to this article. Thank you!

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