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Credit Card Declined

If your credit card was declined please note the following possibilities:

  • Your address was not entered in correctly.  Make sure it is entered in exactly like what your bank has on file.
  • You recently moved and your new address you used was not updated by your bank yet. 
  • You have insufficient funds.  Contact your bank.
  • Your bank did not allow the online transaction.  If this is the case you must contact your bank to make sure you are allowed to do online transactions.
  • Your credit card was stolen and is no longer useable.
  • Your location is too far away from your home address and you are at a country that is known for stolen card activity.  This can vary and can happen to people depending on their credit card security services they enabled.

We offer PayPal as an alternative for these reasons as it is a very secure option when a card does not work.   Use PayPal in those cases when you are traveling and need to pay us too.   Just works better as your account was already verified by paypal and does not have to go through the challenges your bank created to keep credit card fraud down to a minimum.    We sometimes get frustrated individuals thinking it is us but that may end up being embarrassing to an individual if we see that it is one of the above issues.   Be sure it is not one of those before contacting us to save you time.

Tip for billing addresses:  You must enter the EXACT address used with your bank or credit card company.  It cannot be different.  If you used street instead of st.  make sure you type exactly what you have with your bank.    This is true at any online merchant that cares about security.   Some places do not care if your credit card is stolen, but at Parcom we do check if you are entering the right information down to the credit card expiration and the number on the back (CVV).    If you are going to enter all wrong information then it will simply not work.

NOTE: Sometimes orders can place a HOLD on funds at your bank even if it failed.  Usually that means you entered in the wrong address and you must wait for your bank to clear the failed order.  You can contact them for information on a purchase on hold but on our end we do not take any funds until you successfully make a payment.  

Note: Please contact us if you wish to add information to this article. Thank you!

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